Thursday, April 4, 2013

4/4/13 Did they find her (Kyndall Jack)? Helicopters stationery, plus sirens

4/4/13 Did they find her? Helicopters stationery, plus sirens. Apparently this was about the moment they found her....I was told a few moments later 

4/4/13 HIKING BELLVIEW TRAIL NEAR HOLY JIM Trail..but probably not near enough to help the search effort...but that's not becuae I didn't try to help
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4/4/13 DRIVING BY   HELICOPTER re KYNDALL JACK SEARCH...just driving by because, as I just found out & as is typical,"ordinary citizens" are not allowed to help or participate in the search for the remaining missing hiker,Kyndall Jack, despite the fact that it was an ordinary citizen who located Nick Cendoya in an area where the search party had apparently completely bypassed (but they better,right?)
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4/4/13 MEDIA MOB AT HOLY JIM TRAIL AREA re MISSING HIKER,KYNDALL JACK...I thought I might be able to help out as an "ordinary citizen" but ...(read below)
4/4 CITIZENS NOT ALLOWED 2 SEARCH 4 KYNDALL JACK...So I came up here to Rancho Santa Margarita & the road to Holy Jim Trail,..and was told by this officer that ordinary citizens such as myself are not allowed to help search for the remaining missing hiker, Kyndall Jack, (1 has been found) despite the fact that it was an ordinary citizen who located the male hiker (Nick Cendoya). Its ANNOYING because it wasn't until this ordinary citizen found Nick that they reportedly decided to "intensify efforts." Its also annoying when law enforcement thwarts the success of a "mission" by excluding us "ordinary citizens" (I hike a fair amount by the way and am an able-bodied male probably in better physical condition than some "government officials." Anyways, I hope & pray that they are successful despite limiting the potential success by turning away able-bodied citizens.I actually suspected this might happen, as they routinely do this with any big search, wildfire situation, etc . Its sad.

kyndall jack,nicholas cendoya,missing hikers,holy jim trail,trabuco canyon,cleveland national forest, orange county,